09 October – 12 December 20203F GalleriesUP Vargas Museum The UP Vargas Museum, in partnership with Tin-aw Art Management, presents Pagburo at Pag-alsa: Natural Depictions and Illustrated Prophecies (Gelacio, 1910) an exhibition by Jo Tanierla, curated by Carlo Paulo Pacolor. The exhibit will open virtually on 9 October 2020, Friday, at 6 o’clock in the evening.
Culture & Arts
Manila, the ever loyal and noble city
I saw an interesting tweet by author Butch Dalisay tonight that made me think of how rich our heritage is, and how much we’ve lost to the past. I think it’s such a shame that we allow so much of our cultural and built heritage to be neglected and left to waste away.
This month at the UP Vargas Museum — Viay nu Ivatan: Ivatan Lifeways
UP Vargas Museum presents Viay nu Ivatan, a project by visual artist Olan Gonzales and anthropologist Francisco Datar, on 15 May
Marikina — Exploring the Book Museum cum Ethnology Center
Founded in 2013, the Book Museum cum Ethnology Center is heaven for bookworms and anthropology fans. It showcases various items
Listen to Haruki Murakami (Last Night Tonight!)
Listen to the music featured in Murakami’s novels come alive in this unique performance! Trust me, this is something you don’t want to miss
This September at the UP Vargas Museum
In The Arrow of Time in the Heart of the Sun, Fabro’s intricate and sinewy figures gather to form haunting images bursting with intensity
Rediscovering the Ever Loyal and Noble City of Manila
Yesterday, my friend Vin and I went on a photowalk in Manila to have what we like to call a “secular Visita Iglesia.” It’s like the Catholic
Book Review: 7 Reasons Why Filipinos Will Change the World
If you’re Filipino, chances are you’ve been inundated by exasperating news about the current state of affairs in the country
Persian Melodies: A Free Concert at UP Asian Center
The concert will feature performances of traditional Iranian music, which is generally performed by small groups that typically
“Tie a String Around the World” Opens at the Vargas Museum on Dec 9
The UP Vargas Museum opens Tie A String Around the World on December 9 at 6 in the evening. This homecoming re-stages